The electric bike seems like such a great consideration! Do you worry about the safety of riding it on the roads where you live? I live in a bigger city and although there are a lot of e-bikes and scooters, the drivers around here don't seem to take them very seriously. Just wondering if that is something you worry about or if it has seemed pretty safe so far?

I also have 3 kids so not sure an e-bike would be my best option...ha!

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Luckily Denver has multi use pathways and plenty of bicycle lanes to travel through the city. I am usually very safe while traveling and have not had any issues. However, Denver is very out of the norm for most cities in North America, so I understand those that feel unsafe while riding their bikes.

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The way my city is set up is for bicyclists to share the road so it’s pretty risky. There are people who are pushing for a car-free downtown which I wouldn’t mind. My family only has one car and once we made the switch, we loved it. My husband works from home & I stay home with our children so it works for us. We hope to get out to visit Denver soon!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Jose Briones

This is really interesting! I think a great takeaway from this is an intentionality with your lifestyle and understanding needs and wants. When I was younger and lived in town (and didn't have kids lol) I rode my bike to save money on car insurance and gas. I lived 5 miles from my job and they let me park my bike in the warehouse, so it worked out great. It was before e-bikes were a thing. Riding a bike is so peaceful. Now that I have kids and live in a more rural area, my family has 2 cars. But they're older, and we don't have payments. (otherwise we'd only have 1 car) I am a firm believer in using older cars, saving the cash and not having a car payment. I recommend renting different styles of bikes from a shop if you can to pick one you like! I have a hybrid bike - it's sort of a commuter, but sort of okay for basic off road. (gravel, flat trails, etc.) and I love the darn thing. It's not as "cool" looking as a commuter bike or a mountain bike but it fits, it was pretty cheap and I've ridden a couple thousand miles on it at least. Anyway, the intentionality of the decisions you make on your bike vs. car is a really important insight. Thanks for the article!

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Yes. The whole idea behind the post is that I had to make a decision and decided to take the risk of the e-bike. It has been a great opportunity for me to simplify, but if I ever need a second car, I'll be ready to make that purchase. I am a firm believer of riding it until it dies! That's why our Camry is our only car and will continue to be our only car.

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