Jan 26, 2023Liked by Jose Briones

I must say I was also surprised at the podcast submission. However, I also see the point of keeping them. I am a HUGE podcast enthusiast but I believe I could forgo them for 10-days as I would still listen to the radio and my most important podcasts are weekly. Also, I don't have a Lightphone as my carrier doesn't support them yet. My only option to come-off internet for ten days is to use the Punkt and/or Mudita Pure. I thought it was interesting to hear Jose's desktop and laptop usage increase after primarily using the Lightphone. Whenever I try smartphone-free life my internet usage at work and on desktop at home skyrockets! I started to come to the conclusion that smartphone-free life was not the answer! Perhaps a smartphone with only productivity apps and getting rid of desktop and laptop is the way to go for me. I don't know...

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jose Briones

Very interested how this goes for you! I don't know why you'd keep podcasts though? To me, it's like YouTube or anything else, but honestly, I am not a podcast person so idk, I just don't consume that type of content regularly. Definitely looking forward to your thoughts!

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jose Briones

Kudos man! This is a great effort and such an inspiration. I have a vision that the more and more people will be adding these digital detoxes to theirs fancy Dry Jans

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